Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Helen Rowland (1875-1950, American journalist and humorist) said, "Flirting is the gentle art of making a man feel pleased with himself." I am a terrible flirt. Well, actually I'm a fantastic flirt, and therein lies the problem. A glaring example of my flirting was evidenced in a text exchange with TT earlier this week. He sent me a message mentioning that he had lost sleep over his participation in his singles ward FHE activity the night before. They had played The Dating Game, and TT was one of the bachelors. He was regretting some of his answers to the questions asked, and was feeling a bit embarrassed about his performance in the dance-off. Yes, you read that right, there was a dance-off. After a little bit of back and forth about trying not to care about what other people think, I unabashedly sent off this gem:
C: Besides, I'd guess that you're still the ward heart-throb
despite last night's events. Remember you're totally dreamy.

His reply was:
TT: Yeah, you keep thinking that B-)

I'm guessing that last thing is supposed to be some sort of smiley emoticon wearing sunglasses maybe? I'm not a big emoticon user, as I only infrequently use ":)" or ":D". Regardless, it seemed that my flirting was well received, but I thought I'd better just leave it at that. I hope he's not too overwhelmed by my blatant come-ons. I should probably cool it with the OTT flirting as I'm still on hold for another 11 days before it can really go anywhere (not that I'm counting).

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