Friday, June 27, 2008

The Young One... XO for reals.

Ahhhh... TYO... So, I'm fully aware that I may be totally losing it... but I have a silly crush on a boy that is WAY younger than me. The thing is... I didn't go after him... he contacted me first on an LDS singles website. (Like Complication, I too have dabbled a little in the weird and wacky world of LDS singles sites.) I was just on there looking around you know... checking out the horror of my future life when he sent me this "I'm interested in You" thing. So this is how it went down. I wrote back and said, "do you know how old I am?" and he's like... yes. So, because I was only snooping around, I didn't have a picture up... so I told him to go to my facebook, and that's where it all began. I started talking to him online every few days... and we just totally clicked! I know it's nuts for sure! But I don't care really. I'm just hoping for a NCMO in about 29 days :)!!!

The Sad News about TYO. He has this girl here in town this weekend... and I'm scared he's going to like, stop talking to me! I really need to get a new love interest/crush before I get too attached to this boy! AAAAAHHHH! It's nuts!!! hahahaha!

It's completely silly and won't go anywhere... but I am truly so thankful to have met him... it's been the best distraction for me and a major stress reliever. And he's freakin' cute for reals... oh and funny too, and a good boy. He refuses to meet me in person, or even talk to me on the phone before my D is final, which is good because I am totally weak! I would probably go for "hanging out" if he would agree because I am seriously TRUNKY and ready... so so so ready to be FREE AND SINGLE!

So... I'm trying to go on a TYO diet... but it's so hard to resist contacting him... it's so bad! I need to be strong!!! Every day I make a to-do list you know... and every day I write something to the effect of, "No Facebook" or today I wrote, "No TYO until after I get back from Utah". I am ridiculously weak. It never happens! I can't resist the temptation!!! I'm so weak in fact that I sent him this stupid email earlier tonight that I totally should not have sent! I'm just freaked that he's out with this girl who, by the way, is NOT cute enough for him, but that's beside the point... I'm sure she's a good person! ugh.

So... do you want to read it? Should I totally embarrass myself? This is anonymous... and it might be nice to get it off my chest. Hm.

Oh by the way... I did talk to him online like 3 times this week... late at night when I couldn't sleep. Ugh! what am I doing??? Being dumb.

I've decided not to put the email in here because it's just not that interesting!! But the point is... I need to leave that boy alone... and I'm going to. From this day forward... no TYO. For serious. Unless he contacts me first... even then, I think I should resist, right?? I don't think I can!!! Help!!

1 comment:

Complication said...

How you doing on your TYO diet, Girlfriend?