Monday, June 30, 2008

There's no comparison

Part of me wonders why I ever agreed to the stealth set-up with TT last night at L's house. Don't get me wrong, TT is basically amazing, and I spent the bulk of this morning gaga over the guy. However, with 90 days until I can actually DO anything about it (not that I'm counting) I wish that L and I would have waited a while to perform our thinly veiled stunt - which he saw right through, by the way.

So, let me enumerate some of his great qualities - he is decidedly tall, dark haired, handsome, interesting, funny, educated, a world traveler, gainfully employed, super nice, adorable with kids, and active in the church. Hot, right? After dinner, dessert and a lot of laughing, I made my exit with the other couple that had been invited. TT stuck around after we had left, and I was sure it was by design in order to get the scoop on me.

I emailed L last night thanking her for the dinner, because I am polite like that. I also may have mentioned that I think TT is dreamy, and does he like me? Or like like me? Huh, huh, huh?

L didn't keep me in suspense for long. She replied this morning that TT wasn't about to say whether or not he was interested in me, and that "time will tell." He also expressed concerns about divorced women in general. Apparently he's worried about being compared to the ex-spouse. When I read this I had to laugh as he's not even cognizant of the fact that he shares the same first name with MT, which absolutely begs for comparison.

I understand his trepidation about getting involved with a divorcee. As this blog boldly declares, in general, a relationship with a divorced woman would be much more complicated than a traditional relationship with a never-married. Girlfriend and I both get it. However, I'm not overly concerned about the stereotype. I believe that my personal situation is pretty exceptional and doesn't really cast a bad light on me at all - especially if you know the particulars. I'm pretty much a catch, divorce notwithstanding. And I stand by the declaration that I made to L last week: that any man you set me up with, stealthily or otherwise, will be thanking you.

Anyway, in true L style, the evening was absolutely lovely. I'm not holding my breath that something will happen between me and TT. I keep thinking that he is so great that surely he'll be snapped up in the next 90 days (not that I'm counting) leaving me back at square one. But if he's been single for nearly three decades, what's a few more months, right? We'll see if my luck holds out.

...And in case you're wondering TT would NOT suffer by comparison to MT. But I really think the phrase "there's no comparison" applies in this case.

1 comment:

Kristina P. said...

Wow, exciting evening! And I'm thinking that dating a divorcee is much better than dating a guy who is old and never been married. They're WEIRD.

I suggest keeping a "Dating in 90 Days List" of all the guys you immediately plan to call when the dating moratorium is lifted. Then you can triple book yourself and feel very popular. :)