Thursday, June 26, 2008

Who are the Complicated Ladies - part 2

Oh yes… It IS complicated… so complicated in fact, that I hesitate to tell too much so as to not totally confuse or bore you… or give away too much in case anyone recognizes my story. Hmmmm. Basically, like Complication, I was totally surprised by my soon-to-be ex-husband’s (hereafter called “X”) lack of desire to be married. Our stories are different though in many ways. First of all, X sucked from day ONE. From what I’ve heard, MT was pretty cool for a few years.

I seriously knew, and I’m not kidding, that I was in BIG TROUBLE on my wedding day. But what could I do? I was only 20 years old, insecure, and let’s just say it… STUPID. There’s a picture of me in my wedding dress sitting down at the reception with this… “What have I done?” look on my face… I actually remember thinking that when the picture was taken.

Even so, I had promised to do my best in the marriage, and remained very loyal to him, and NEVER EVER dreamed that we would end up divorced. I did the best I could under the circumstances, and will be the first to admit that I wasn’t perfect AT ALL. But I had a strong desire to be a good wife and mother. I had made a commitment, and I for one, wasn’t joking. I did the best I could. What can I say.

I forgive him.

But he drives me UP THE FREAKIN’ WALL.

I have to say, that our marriage wasn’t 100% bad… only about 70%. I think he really did the best he could, but just wasn’t capable of being a decent husband (MAJOR understatement). It wasn’t just the Bipolar and ADHD… he also has major female issues, and big time honesty issues which stems from being raised by a coo-coo mother.


I am happier now, and have more hope for my future, than I have ever had in my whole life. Yes, I am old… much MUCH older than Complication… but I don’t care. I truly believe that I will somehow miraculously find a really good man to marry who will truly respect and love me. I know he’s out there somewhere.

I need to have a serious prospect before age 40... so I better get on it!

So, I’ll be free to start my own Guerilla Marketing campaign in only 29 days. I’m hoping for all kinds of fun/funny experiences as I enter the oh-so-freaky Single Adult dating scene. So, check back often to read the drama.

By the way… I already have a story to tell about that… and it's a little naughty and crazy...shhhh.

1 comment:

Complication said...

Girlfriend, you're not old. You're just seasoned to perfection.