Thursday, June 26, 2008

What's the hold up?

You may be asking yourself - why are Girlfriend and Complication waiting 29 and 94 days respectively (not that we're counting) before entering the dating pool? Well, it's complicated. The long and the short of it is that we are not dating until our divorces are final. Every state is different, and our state has a (seemingly absurdly long) mandatory waiting period before the divorce can become final. In some states this waiting period can be mutually waived. But not ours. Of course not. I have a judgment stamped and signed by a judge. The divorce has been granted. Now it's just a waiting game. Of course some would say that since I am legally separated, and it's just an arbitrary calendar date, that I could/should start dating as soon as I feel ready. Well, I feel ready now. However, I have been counseled by my Bishop that I am not to date before the divorce is final. I have taken that council to heart, even when, perhaps especially when, MT manages to make a mockery of this advice at every turn. When I start dating, I want to look back at this period of relational limbo and say that my conduct has been beyond reproach.

That said, emotionally speaking, I am so ready to date. MT was behaving so badly the last year of our marriage that I have reached the "good riddance" stage in record time. I must be giving off the single vibe quite strongly as I have been asked out multiple times in the past few weeks. To the car wash cashier, I simply said "No, thank you." However, to UL (undercover lover) I said "May I please have a rain check?" That's right. I have a date in 94 days (not that I'm counting).

About a month ago, a force of nature took over my brain. It was equal parts curiosity, boredom and a desire to "practice" the art of seduction/witty banter/engagingly flirtatious emails that had lain dormant since 2002. I decided to sign up for an LDS dating site on a whim. I stated boldly in my bare-bones profile that I was only looking for friends at this juncture. However, this proclamation did nothing to stem the tide of desperation flowing through the internet directly into my inbox. I have since hidden my profile, so don't go trying to find me.

This short-lived experiment confirmed three things in my mind;
  1. There are in fact some decent guys out there that are looking for nice girls like me and Girlfriend. Not the least of which is UL.
  2. There are a lot of desperate weirdos out there as well. Yikes.
  3. I may be too young for this type of dating.

Due to my age which Girlfriend alluded to in her earlier post, I still qualify to attend a YSA ward for a few more years, which I guess I'll be doing in 94 days (not that I'm counting.) Until then, I'll be exploring prospects online and wherever else I can meet them. I am not dating now, but I plan to have a full social calendar when I am.


Kristina P. said...

I met my hubby online, and luckily for me, he didn't turn out to be a sociopath. I'm pretty sure that should be a screening question.

And from what I hear, you should do anything you possibly can to stay out of the OSA wards. Polygamy may actually be a better option.

Complication said...

I do indeed hear truly terrifying things about OSA wards. Poor Girlfriend!

You'll have to give us the scoop on which are the best dating sites, as we both plan to go that route (among others) in our guerrilla dating campaigns.

Kristina P. said...

Well, the only one I was on was LDS Singles, and that was about 5 years ago, so I don't know if it's still completely creepy or not. The fun thing was that you could send someone a wink! How great is that! Not Jr. High-like at all!

I can't wait to hear all about your dating escapades, and I will be taking notes for some of my single girlfriends, who I keep trying to set up with guys whose greatest quality is that they are breathing. I'm an awesome friend.

I hope you aren't a brunette, as apparently, according to Seriously, you will be an old maid forever.

Complication said...

Oh no! I'm doomed! I am a brunette, but at least Girlfriend has a chance.