Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Perhaps I've said too much

In The Holiday, Graham (played by Jude Law) says
I have the classic male problem of no follow through. Absolutely never remember to call after a date—but as this wasn't a date, I guess I am off the hook.
I am steeling myself for plenty of that classic male problem when I'm officially on the market in 88 days (not that I'm counting). However, there is no way that the men in my life can be ready for the classic Complication problem - the overshare.

I was talking to UL the other night on the phone. You know, the usual stuff - how are you, how was your day, blah blah blah. Then somehow I started talking about the new bra that I had recently purchased and how it makes my rack look amazing. Yes, that's right. I started telling this man that I have yet to meet in the flesh that I have an amazing rack. I wasn't even trying to be flirtatious, I was just being my very own version of socially awkward. Now, I don't see my lack of filter in certain social situations as a character flaw, nor do I see being honest to a fault as a virtue. I simply chalk this up to one of the various things that make me the complicated lady that I am. If a guy can't handle me oversharing about my amazing rack, my penchant for watching Degrassi: The Next Generation on Saturday afternoons, or the fact that I can eat a whole medium cheese pizza all by myself, then he is clearly not the guy for me. I don't want to trick someone into liking me, but should I wait a while before springing my full vibrant exhuberance on a man? I'm thinking, I may be crazy - but they don't need to know that just yet.

Luckily for me, UL was not put off by my overshare. He thought it was cute, and teased me a little about it when he realized that I was slightly embarrassed. Which brings me to one of my theories when it comes to dating - too much too soon is creepy when you're not into someone ("He called again? What is wrong with this guy?"), but it's flattering when you actually like them ("Yay! He texted, called and emailed all within a 24 hour period - how sweet!"). I'm guessing that UL actually likes me.


Jules AF said...

That's exactly something I would say haha. Except I'd do it at a church function or with a bunch of my ward members at a party or something. Imagine this:
Everyone is getting together to take a picture at a party. I get in the picture, and I'm holding a red cup in my hand. When I move in the shot, I say out loud, "Yeah, we should all get red cups! That way it looks like a real party!" Awkward silence follows.

Jules AF said...

This was at BYU, by the way.

Complication said...

Julie, you sound like my kind of gal. My BYU years were notoriously full of awkward silences caused by me. If we had been there at the same time the whole of the student body may never have spoken again.