Saturday, June 28, 2008

Take Two

Almost instantly upon meeting me and learning of my "single" status, people inevitably want to set me up with their single son/brother/friend/cousin/neighbor/former roommate/mission companion/coworker. My friend, Lovely, is no different. L is one of the first women that I met in my new ward. We instantly clicked, and have become fast friends. Over the course of one of our various conversations, L expressed an interest in introducing me to her single cousin. He is well within my age range (ahem, Girlfriend), gainfully employed, tall, fun, and good with L's three children. Oh, and did I mention that he shares the same first name with MT?

Have you ever seriously dated two men of the same name? Has this been a problem for you? Perhaps oddly, I have little to no concern about dating TT (Take Two) in 92 days (not that I'm counting). What's in a name anyhow? I would be stupid to discount him based solely on that.

That said, L has invited me to dinner at her house tomorrow night. TT will be there. This is what I like to call the pre-date. I get the opportunity to get to know TT a little without having to commit to an actual date. This is especially nice as I'm not currently dating. As stupid as it may sound, I am excited about the prospect. I have carefully chosen my outfit (I'm going for the understated hot look - don't want to be too OTT) and am selecting some MT-free anecdotes to charm him with. I haven't been on a first date (let alone a pre-date) in over six years. I'll let you all know how it goes. Hopefully TT will prove himself worthy of taking the name for a second spin. And as L pointed out, at least I'd never call out the wrong name by accident.


Kristina P. said...

Good luck! Make sure to show some cleavage. I heard that totally helps.

Complication said...

It's a good thing that I have an amazing rack. Haha.

Amander said...

I have a dear friend who is getting married for the second time (the first ended in divorce three years ago). Her new husband has the same last name as her ex. She's not thrilled about going back to her former last name, but what can you do.

Have fun on your date - keep us updated!

P.S. I came across your blog randomly and I love it!

Kristina P. said...

OK, I completely laughed when I saw that one of my dearest friends, Amanda, commented. We discovered that we both somehow found your blog, independent of each other, and have both been reading it without each other knowing!

And Amanda's friend who is getting remarried is crazy, so don't take any cues from her.

Complication said...

Welcome, Amanda! I hope both you and Kristina will tell your friends about the blog.

Stay tuned for an update on TT tonight. Here's a one word preview: wow!

Carolyn said...

I love your blog- I found it from the Seriously So Blessed blog. I got married late (by LDS standards) so I feel a bit of your pain. Hang in there- there are lots of great men still out there. I married a younger man- don't rule it out :)

Complication said...

Welcome, Carolyn! I'm not ruling out a younger man. Note - MAN, not Man-toddler. Yes, I went there. Haha.

Tell your friends!

Complication said...

Welcome, Ariana! I had to laugh out loud when I read your comment as I am probably one of the most boy crazy women that you are likely to meet, and thus FAR from being a lesbian. Also noteworthy - MT left me (well, asked me to leave, but same dif in my book) not the other way around, shockingly.

We hope you'll tell your friends about the blog!