Sunday, August 3, 2008

The Fair Affair

A week or so after I received the "fun personality" email from L, I was surprised and delighted to receive a follow-up email inviting me to accompany her family to our county fair. Specifically, the email stated that TT told L to invite me, and we could all go. L is so lovely that she was worried that this might be considered a date, and wondered if going with a married couple and their three kids would "pass as legal." What a doll. I actually adore the fair, and I was despairing that I might not be able to rope anyone into going with me this year, so this invitation was perfect. I responded that I would absolutely love to go, and I considered the invite as L and TT taking pity on my poor unfortunate soul, and thus not a date, as I don't do pity dates.

I anxiously awaited the outing for the next several days. I didn't want to get too excited about it, just to have my hopes dashed, so I did my best to temper my bubbling enthusiasm for what lay ahead. Even if I were severely disappointed in TT upon our third meeting (who I hadn't encountered for 3 or 4 weeks at this point) I would still have the fair.

Well, I couldn't have over-expected as the magic of the fair over-delivered big time. Here's a quick overview:

People in our group: 9
Animals petted: 8
Fried foods eaten: 5
Dares: 1 series, escalating
Rides: 3
Inside jokes created: about a million
Awkward silences: 0
Times our hands, arms and/or legs accidentally brushed together: multiple
Times I liked it: all
Hours spent at the fair: 7
Phone numbers exchanged: 2
People that are now gaga: at least 1, maybe 2

The next day I got an email from L thanking me for being part of the group, and not so subtly asking for me to dish on TT. She said that we seemed like "two peas in a pod" and that we had too much in common and too much "click" to not have at least the potential of something promising in our future. She also offered to create more opportunities for us to get together in a group setting so as to not upset the delicate not-a-date balance that we seem to have created. She is lovely. I responded with some toned-down gushing.

Basically, and this is the absolute truth, I was delighted to just spend time as friends with TT. He is such a fun person, and we really did click on a deep level. I feel really drawn to him, and I have this very strong inclination towards being friends with him. I wouldn't be crushed if he didn't want to date me, but I think I might be if he didn't want to be my close friend, if that makes any sense. It's kind of like how I have felt upon meeting significant friends over the years, like L, or one of my closest girlfriends KBD (she's kinda a big deal) - I just knew that we would be great friends. That said, I obviously have a crush on the guy.

Now I have a bit of a problem. Between reading Breaking Dawn all night and day, and girlishly squealing over TT intermittently throughout the day, it is a sad state of affairs over here at IC headquarters. Anyone who knows me in real life knows that patience is not my strong suit. My personality, especially when it comes to men, can be described as impatiently exuberant. With 57 days until D-day (not that I'm counting) I seriously need to relax and/or take a chill pill. Perhaps this state-imposed cooling off period is a good thing for my rushing, passionate, coming on too strongly, predatory, over the top ways. However, once that clock runs out, TT won't even know what hit him. That is, if he sticks around long enough to find out. Then again, I don't see how he couldn't - it just wouldn't seem fair.

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