Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Please proceed directly to the Friend Zone

A few weeks back I was talking to L at a church activity. She told me that she was going to be seeing TT the next day, and she had plans to find out what he thought about me. It's always good to know these types of things, so I was excited to hear one way or the other. When more than a week passed by with no update from L, I knew the news was not good. Think about it, if he had expressed interest in me, she would have wanted to tell me this news straight away. If he had no interest, she would have opted to say nothing rather than risk hurting my feelings. In my mind the best case scenario was that they had not had an opportunity to talk at all. Then I got the fateful email.

Apparently TT thinks I have a "fun personality." Well that's just great. In dating language "fun personality" is code for "not that attractive." Kind of like how online profiles that state the man is seeking a woman that "takes care of her body" is code for "No Fat Chicks." This whole situation reminded me of this scene from When Harry Met Sally...

Jess: When someone's not that attractive, they're always described as having a good personality.
Harry: Look, if you had asked me what does she look like and I said, she has a good personality, that means she's not attractive. But just because I happen to mention that she has a good personality, she could be either. She could be attractive with a good personality, or not attractive with a good personality.
Jess: So which one is she?
Harry: Attractive.
Jess: But not beautiful, right?
Let's just hope that I'm attractive with a good personality.

In other news, UL is no longer undercover. I met him while I was visiting his state for a wedding this past weekend. He met me and a girlfriend for dinner one night. I figured that unequal numbers plus each person paying for their own meal kept this from being a date. The evening was nice, and I had a good time. Well, it turns out he's not so much lover, either. While UL is a genuinely nice man, it was not a love connection on my side. Let's just say he has a good personality.

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