Monday, July 7, 2008

Hold up - I think that's ME you're talking about!

The other day I was perusing random blogs, as I often do, when I ran across the following
I hate anonymous blogs. I think they're so annoying. (Okay, seriously, so blessed is anonymous, but that's because it's FAKE!) I just hate when people give people they know nicknames or shorten their names. I don't know why it annoys me so much, but it does. Like, TT did this yesterday. And I LOVE J whenever he does this. And P is just hilarious!I mean, I've give people nicknames, such as Santa, PME, JT (okay that's me, but whatever), Mr. Hyde (hahahaha love that one), uhhh New Testament "boyfriend," etc, but people who do that on blogs annoy me. Why would you write a blog if it's anonymous? If you want to talk about your life that much, and you don't want people to read it and realize it's you, write a journal or something.And people who have a countdown until their divorce is finalized are tacky. That's right. Tacky. I mean, yes, your marriage obviously was bad enough that you're ending it, but still. I'm sure Ann Post or whoever does the manners stuff would say that it's bad manners. When it ends, you can celebrate however you want privately, but having a party to be like, "yay I'm single!" just seems extremely tacky to me. If you can give me a good reason as to why you should have a countdown or have a party celebrating your newly single state, go ahead. I'd like to hear your reasoning. I wouldn't even argue back. I'd just want to know.
I was just thinking how funny it was that I myself do a little writing on an anonymous blog. And use initials. And happen to know the number of days until my divorce is final (74, not that I'm counting). Wait a second...this seems a bit too coincidental. My reply follows
Oh, ouch, J. You bring up some valid points; having a countdown to your divorce being finalized IS tacky. I concur. And I understand that it must be frustrating to see these women (me) seemingly celebrating the demise of their marriages. Believe me, I am in reality sick over the end of my marriage. This was not my choice however, and I can only choose how I react to the situation. I choose to keep my chin up, and try to find a silver lining in this down-right crappy situation. For me, that silver lining is the opportunity for a second chance at happiness - so why wouldn't I be counting down to this?I blog as an outlet, and I enjoy the fact that people can read my entries. I'm actually pretty proud of some of the writing I've done on "It's Complicated," and I sometimes lament that I can't take credit for it. As far as the anonymous thing goes, I am doing that as a courtesy to my former spouse. I have personally blogged for about eight years, but I feel that some things are not appropriate or kind to share with those that care about both of us. I may be tacky, but I'm not mean.
Girlfriend had this to say
Thanks for reading our blog... yes. I guess it's annoying all the initials and such. (I even have a hard time remembering who's who) The reason I want to stay anonymous is to protect the innocent... namely my kids who don't know most of what has happened with their dad.
The blog for me, is basically, therapy. A place where I can say what's on my mind without hurting others. I'm also hoping that there are others out there who understand what we are going through... hence the reason for the public blog.
And as far as the countdown... hm. I'm not sure it's tacky necessarily... maybe just lame?? I don't know! haha! But until you've walked in my shoes... which very few people have (thank goodness)... I totally understand that you might thing it's tacky! I would too probably because in all realness... it's depressing and a total nightmare which in a perfect world shouldn't be celebrated.
Anyway... seriously... neither of us would want to be in this situation. We're just trying to have a sense of humor about it all. No harm was intended.
So there you have it. IC has made the first of what is sure to be many dents on the web. At least, this is the first that we've found. Are there any other posts out there that we should be aware of? We're obviously no Seriously, so blessed!, but we do feel seriously blessed to have this forum for airing our grievances and joys, and we're glad to have you along for the ride.


Anonymous said...

I know the blog of which you speak. I wouldn't worry about it. She sounds a bit angry and bitter.

Jules AF said...

I feel pretty special having a whole post about me!! And I really did appreciate your explanation as to why you did it. I wasn't being sarcastic or anything. I understand your reasoning and applaud you finding the silver lining.
And I love the anonymous commentator. I sound a bit angry and bitter. hahahaha oops. Angry? Not in real life. Bitter? Nope.
I still stand with what I say on using initials. It just drives me crazy. I think it's from Gossip Girl. That B and S and Little J stuff drives me crazy.