Thursday, July 17, 2008

Missed Connections

As I sit here literally suffering from a missed plane connection, I thought it would be appropriate to delve into the topic of missed connections in general. I often read through my area's list of missed connections on Craigslist. These ads are usually something along the lines of "I saw you in the grocery store. I was wearing a red mini skirt, you were the bearded fellow in front of me in line buying the organic tequila...," or "At Starbucks you ordered the vanilla machiato (no whip) and I heard them call "Cindy" when it was ready. Cindy, if you're out there, I'm the shy indie guy that was behind you in line, and too intimidated by your beauty to approach you..."

These kinds of ads are so full of hope and longing that it makes my heart ache. I wonder if I am making the same kinds of impressions on strangers around me day in and day out (sans tequila and coffee). I don't ever expect to recognize myself in one of these ads. Even if I do, being LDS, it takes more than that instant of connection to drive a relationship. But what other missed connections do each of us have out there? Is there anyone that you consider "the one who got away?" I am typically too bold to have many missed connections in the traditional sense, but I do have acquaintances that have faded away over time. When I got married, I didn't pay enough attention to a lot of my friendships, and I purposely avoided even existing friendships with men, because, no matter what MT thinks, gender matters when you are married! Now that I'm not married, I find myself single in more ways than just romantically. One person described this predicament as the horrible gift of loneliness that keeps on giving - first you lose the marriage, then you realize that you alienated all your friends, and perhaps even family over the years. Only then do you understand how much connecting you have truly missed.


Amander said...

They have a section in the City Weekly that is called, "I Saw You" that is like "missed connections" - I actually think it's hilarious.

But on a serious missed connections note, you might find that your friendships were waiting for you all along. There was a time period in my life that I alienated a lot of people. Some were there to support me after they realized what I was going through and some never got over it. My friends who stayed through everything I treasure with all my heart. My friends who I hurt too badly, I still feel sorry for doing that, but at some points in life, you are trying so hard not to drown, it's hard to think of others.

Anyway, that's my two cents.

Anonymous said...

I'm Merry. I ran across your blog, and thought it would be interesting to read. I'm single, with no prospects, and even though I'm not as "seasoned to perfection" as the two of you, I still sometimes feel quite a bit of frustration with relationships/lack thereof. I think I'll be checking back in here often!

Complication said...

Welcome, Merry! We're glad you're here. Feel free to link to us, and do check back often. I think I can speak for Girlfriend as well when I say that for what it's worth, we are happy to share our wit and wisdom with those not as "seasoned" as we.