Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Catching Up

Since last we met back in 2008 a lot has come along to further complicate my life.

MT remarried a chick that was in fact a laurel in the ward we attended as a married couple. Their class knows no bounds.

TT moved out of state and remains single. We did go on several dates during my second singlehood, but nothing came of it. We never even kissed, convincing me that he is in fact asexual.

Girlfriend was remarried a while back and is enjoying married life in another state with her hot new husband.

As for me, I no longer hit the town as an eligible single divorcee (thankfully). In fact, I no longer hit the town at all without a double stroller, huge diaper bag and two wild maniacs in tow.

One short year after marrying my partner and best friend N in 2009 I found myself knocked up. And wouldn't you know it, the pregnancy turned out to be a complicated one. I just realized that I should have blogged about my pregnancy and first year of motherhood here on IC. It would have made perfect sense. Oh well. I will blame the fact that pregnancy and mothering apparently dealt my brain a double death blow over the last few years. Now that my wonder twins are a year old I have reclaimed a small portion of my sanity, which I plan to devote to you, dear IC readers. You're welcome.

Being a wife and mom is hard work. Being a full-time working mom to crazy twins while N finishes grad school? That's complicated.

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